Behind the Headlines on Plagues and Pandemics LIVESTREAM

Frequent SOF/Heyman partner, Trinity Long Room Hub, invites you to their discussion series “Behind the Headlines” which offers background analyses to current issues by experts drawing on the long-term perspectives of Arts & Humanities research. It aims to provide a forum that deepens understanding, combats simplification and polarization and thus creates space for informed and respectful public discourse.

As Coronavirus pervades homes, societies and minds, our online Behind the Headlines discussion will ask what we can learn from pandemics and plagues of the past, in addressing a global public health crisis today.

With Governments the world over taking extraordinary emergency measures to curb the spread and impact of this new virus,  we seek to understand what might be learned from past occurrences of plagues and pandemics as we approach Covid-19 today. Bringing together our customary multi-disciplinary panel, we will discuss the Black Death, the 1918 ‘Spanish’ flu, ethics and epidemics, immunology and the work currently underway by scientists, public health officials, individuals and society as a whole to tackle this pandemic.

Numbers for the interactive online discussion are limited, if you are not able to register you can still watch the discussion live on our Facebook page here.


The Trinity Long Room Hub Behind the Headlines series is supported by the John Pollard Foundation.

When: Thu., Mar. 26, 2020 at 3:30 pm

Frequent SOF/Heyman partner, Trinity Long Room Hub, invites you to their discussion series “Behind the Headlines” which offers background analyses to current issues by experts drawing on the long-term perspectives of Arts & Humanities research. It aims to provide a forum that deepens understanding, combats simplification and polarization and thus creates space for informed and respectful public discourse.

As Coronavirus pervades homes, societies and minds, our online Behind the Headlines discussion will ask what we can learn from pandemics and plagues of the past, in addressing a global public health crisis today.

With Governments the world over taking extraordinary emergency measures to curb the spread and impact of this new virus,  we seek to understand what might be learned from past occurrences of plagues and pandemics as we approach Covid-19 today. Bringing together our customary multi-disciplinary panel, we will discuss the Black Death, the 1918 ‘Spanish’ flu, ethics and epidemics, immunology and the work currently underway by scientists, public health officials, individuals and society as a whole to tackle this pandemic.

Numbers for the interactive online discussion are limited, if you are not able to register you can still watch the discussion live on our Facebook page here.


The Trinity Long Room Hub Behind the Headlines series is supported by the John Pollard Foundation.

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