Closer LOOK: Blight

Hosted at our office in the landmark LOOK building on Madison Avenue, MAS is pleased to announce details for the first program in the Closer LOOK series, which features talks with policy, preservation, and planning experts exploring the current—and future—concerns for New York City’s built environment.

“Blight” is a term that civic leaders and government officials have struggled to define categorically. From one city to the next, policies must ensure that interventions are justified, equitable, and effective for communities. Join MAS as we take a closer look at the history and meaning of “blight.” The program will feature a contextual presentation by Joseph Schilling, Senior Research Associate at the Urban Institute, founder of the Vacant Properties Research Network, and principal author of Charting the Multiple Meanings of Blight. Following, MAS President Elizabeth Goldstein will moderate a conversation with Joseph Schilling, Norman Oder, journalist for Atlantic Yards/Pacific Report, and Laura Wolf-Powers, Associate Professor in the Department of Urban Policy and Planning at Hunter College, City University of New York.

Stay tuned for details on other upcoming Closer LOOK events.

MAS Office
488 Madison Avenue, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10022

When: Wed., Mar. 6, 2019 at 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Where: The Municipal Art Society of New York
Tour locations vary
Price: Member FREE; Non-member $10
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Hosted at our office in the landmark LOOK building on Madison Avenue, MAS is pleased to announce details for the first program in the Closer LOOK series, which features talks with policy, preservation, and planning experts exploring the current—and future—concerns for New York City’s built environment.

“Blight” is a term that civic leaders and government officials have struggled to define categorically. From one city to the next, policies must ensure that interventions are justified, equitable, and effective for communities. Join MAS as we take a closer look at the history and meaning of “blight.” The program will feature a contextual presentation by Joseph Schilling, Senior Research Associate at the Urban Institute, founder of the Vacant Properties Research Network, and principal author of Charting the Multiple Meanings of Blight. Following, MAS President Elizabeth Goldstein will moderate a conversation with Joseph Schilling, Norman Oder, journalist for Atlantic Yards/Pacific Report, and Laura Wolf-Powers, Associate Professor in the Department of Urban Policy and Planning at Hunter College, City University of New York.

Stay tuned for details on other upcoming Closer LOOK events.

MAS Office
488 Madison Avenue, 19th Floor
New York, NY 10022

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