Duty Free Live!

“Duty Free Live! Unauthorized Imported Game Shows!” is a comedy show bringing international game show formats to (unauthorized) life by New York’s best comedians. Led by Kent Morita, Grant Mulitz, and Christopher Morucci the show will be an unauthorized localized production of segments from two smash-hit international game shows, “Mi Pareja Puede” and “Simply Irresistible”, from Mexico and Australia respectively.

Simply Irresistible was an Australian dating game show all about meeting someone new, making a good first impression, playing some games and (hopefully) finding someone who’s simply irresistible. Six eligible, single comedians will have the chance to be paired up with each other, play some fun ice breakers and games, find out what makes each other tick, and see if anything sparks between them. At the end of the game, the audience will get the chance to vote on which pair had the most chemistry!

Mi Pareja Puede “My Partner Can” is a Mexican Game show where couples compete in challenges to see how much they trust each other. One partner is tasked with completing a task while the other partner secretly decides if they believe they will be successful. Couples only win if the expectations line up! Our couples will be competing in multiple hilarious challenges straight from the original game!

Our Players: Nivedita Kulkarni (Shayda, HBO’s East of Main Street) Sibel Damar (FBI, CBS Showcase), Amanda Xeller (Lifetime Achievement Award Montreal Sketchfest, Character Night), Jeffrey Kitt (Young Douglas, Branded Silk), Farshad Khansari (Big Apartment, Character Night), RJ Williams (North Coast, Baby Wants Candy), Erin Church (Bar None), Lanee’ Sanders (The Daily Show, Sketch Program Director at Magnet Theater), John Ross (The Nitro Girls, Butter Butter Butter!, Flexx)

When: Fri., Feb. 24, 2023 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: Caveat
21 Clinton St.
Price: $15 advance, $20 at the door, $10 livestream
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“Duty Free Live! Unauthorized Imported Game Shows!” is a comedy show bringing international game show formats to (unauthorized) life by New York’s best comedians. Led by Kent Morita, Grant Mulitz, and Christopher Morucci the show will be an unauthorized localized production of segments from two smash-hit international game shows, “Mi Pareja Puede” and “Simply Irresistible”, from Mexico and Australia respectively.

Simply Irresistible was an Australian dating game show all about meeting someone new, making a good first impression, playing some games and (hopefully) finding someone who’s simply irresistible. Six eligible, single comedians will have the chance to be paired up with each other, play some fun ice breakers and games, find out what makes each other tick, and see if anything sparks between them. At the end of the game, the audience will get the chance to vote on which pair had the most chemistry!

Mi Pareja Puede “My Partner Can” is a Mexican Game show where couples compete in challenges to see how much they trust each other. One partner is tasked with completing a task while the other partner secretly decides if they believe they will be successful. Couples only win if the expectations line up! Our couples will be competing in multiple hilarious challenges straight from the original game!

Our Players: Nivedita Kulkarni (Shayda, HBO’s East of Main Street) Sibel Damar (FBI, CBS Showcase), Amanda Xeller (Lifetime Achievement Award Montreal Sketchfest, Character Night), Jeffrey Kitt (Young Douglas, Branded Silk), Farshad Khansari (Big Apartment, Character Night), RJ Williams (North Coast, Baby Wants Candy), Erin Church (Bar None), Lanee’ Sanders (The Daily Show, Sketch Program Director at Magnet Theater), John Ross (The Nitro Girls, Butter Butter Butter!, Flexx)

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