Intelligence Squared US Debates: Liberals Hold the Moral High Ground

Intelligence Squared US Debates: Liberals Hold the Moral High Ground

Do conservative or liberal philosophies lead to more just outcomes? Opposing moral philosophies have long fueled debate about America’s policy goals and national identity. For conservatives, morality is grounded in ideals such as patriotism, including a respect for order and authority; fairness and liberty in the sense that an individual’s actions yield just rewards, or consequences; and reverence for the sanctity of religious and moral tradition. Liberals place moral emphasis on caring: for the poor, the disadvantaged, and the marginalized; on fairness in the sense of redressing both historic wrongs and current inequalities of outcome; and on generosity extending beyond the bounds of nations or cultures. In today’s divisive political arena, which side best embodies the nation’s most cherished virtues? Morally speaking, is the left right?

Howard Dean, Former DNC Chairman and Governor of Vermont
Melissa Harris-Perry, Scholar, Activist & Professor, Wake Forest University

David Brooks, Op-Ed columnist, The New York Times
Robert George, Political Philosopher & Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University

6:00pm | Pre-debate Reception
7:00pm | Debate
VIP Post-Debate Reception | 9:00pm

VIP tickets include access to the debate and a private, post-debate reception in honor of the debaters. Immediately following the debate, enjoy a celebratory toast at Rosa Mexicano. Meet John Donvan, the debaters, IQ2US council members and other influencers and audience members. Availability is extremely limited. Purchase the General Admission & Private Reception to join.

When: Thu., Dec. 7, 2017 at 7:00 pm
Where: Merkin Concert Hall
129 W. 67th St.
Price: $40
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Intelligence Squared US Debates: Liberals Hold the Moral High Ground

Do conservative or liberal philosophies lead to more just outcomes? Opposing moral philosophies have long fueled debate about America’s policy goals and national identity. For conservatives, morality is grounded in ideals such as patriotism, including a respect for order and authority; fairness and liberty in the sense that an individual’s actions yield just rewards, or consequences; and reverence for the sanctity of religious and moral tradition. Liberals place moral emphasis on caring: for the poor, the disadvantaged, and the marginalized; on fairness in the sense of redressing both historic wrongs and current inequalities of outcome; and on generosity extending beyond the bounds of nations or cultures. In today’s divisive political arena, which side best embodies the nation’s most cherished virtues? Morally speaking, is the left right?

Howard Dean, Former DNC Chairman and Governor of Vermont
Melissa Harris-Perry, Scholar, Activist & Professor, Wake Forest University

David Brooks, Op-Ed columnist, The New York Times
Robert George, Political Philosopher & Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University

6:00pm | Pre-debate Reception
7:00pm | Debate
VIP Post-Debate Reception | 9:00pm

VIP tickets include access to the debate and a private, post-debate reception in honor of the debaters. Immediately following the debate, enjoy a celebratory toast at Rosa Mexicano. Meet John Donvan, the debaters, IQ2US council members and other influencers and audience members. Availability is extremely limited. Purchase the General Admission & Private Reception to join.

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