The Interrogation Rooms of the Korean War: The Untold History
Where: NYU (Other)
Washington Square Area
212-998-1212 Price: Free
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Presented by the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU. Co-sponsored by the NYU Department of History, NYU Department of East Asian Studies, and Nodutdol for Korean Community Development.
The Interrogation Rooms of the Korean War: The Untold History (Princeton University Press, 2019), by Monica Kim (NYU Department of History), is a trans-Pacific history of decolonization told through the experiences of two generations of people creating and navigating military interrogation rooms of the Korean War. Kim demonstrates how the Korean War evolved from a fight over territory to one over human interiority and the individual human subject, forging the template for the US wars of intervention that would predominate during the latter half of the twentieth century and beyond.
Following a reading from Marie Myung-Ok Lee (Columbia University) and a presentation from Kim, Crystal Baik (University of California, Riverside), Joan Scott (Institute for Advanced Study), and Naoko Shibusawa (Brown University) offer comments, and E. Tammy Kim (The New York Times contributing opinion writer) moderates a discussion.
Monica Kim is Assistant Professor in US and the World History in the NYU Department of History. She has published work in journals such as Critical Asian Studies and positions: asia critique concerning US empire, war-making, and East Asia. She is also a member of the Editorial Collective for Radical History Review. Her research and writing have been supported by fellowships from the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), the Penn Humanities Forum at University of Pennsylvania, and the Korea Foundation. Her activism has also been transnational and local. Kim had worked with critical scholars in the US and South Korea around political and pedagogical interventions aimed at challenging the escalating militarism in the ongoing Korean War. At NYU, Kim has been an active member of the NYU Sanctuary Coalition of faculty, students and staff, which has sought to raise awareness and intervene around immigrant rights and racial justice issues on campus and in the New York City community at large.
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