Gerry Van Der Walt: Technically Creative Wildlife Photography

Where: Metropolitan Opera Guild
165 W. 65th St.
212-769-7028 Price: Suggested donation of $7
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Join specialist photographic safari guide and co-founder of Wild Eye Gerry van der Walt for a presentation on using a strong technical foundation creatively to create striking wildlife images. Through examples and an easy-to-understand approach, Gerry will connect the creative side of wildlife photography to the technical basis of the craft, from “in the field” creativity to camera settings and processing your final product. He will follow with a Q&A session to help you apply these concepts to your own work. Combining a passion for nature photography and his many years of experience as a field guide and lodge manager in various African wildlife reserves, Gerry seeks to assist people in capturing the beauty of nature and creating an awareness of the fragile balance that exists in nature.
The presentation is sponsored by the Photography Committee of the New York City Group of the Atlantic Chapter of the Sierra Club. Sierra Photo NYC aims to further the purposes of the Sierra Club through photography and to provide a place where members may share their ideas and interests in photography. This and all monthly meetings are open to anyone interested in nature photography. There is a suggested donation of $7 at the door. Membership in Sierra Photo NYC is open to anyone with a current membership in the Sierra Club.
Presentation will be at the Metropolitan Opera Guild Learning Center, 70 Lincoln Center Plaza, 6th floor, Samuel B. and David Rose Building at Lincoln Center, New York, NY 10023
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