Lessons for Rebellions
Where: The People's Forum
320 W. 37th St.
347-349-1372 Price: Free
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Over the last week, we have borne witness to popular uprisings in more than 140 cities across the country. The assassination of George Floyd at the hands of Minnesota’s ex-police officer Chauvin was the final stroke for communities all across the country who have been struggling to survive centuries of racism, state violence and blatant disregard for their lives.
Historically, there has not been exploitation and oppression without resistance. The U.S has experienced numerous rebellions from the working-class sectors of society against racial oppression and capitalist exploitation.
What is different about the current moment? What are some of the lessons to be drawn from past rebellions that can help us build a stronger and more unified movement? How do we continue to make meaning of the threats and tactics being utilized by The State? Where do we go from here?
Join us in a conversation with Willie Baptist (Watts uprising 1965) from The National Union of The Homeless, Idalin Bobe (Ferguson uprising 2014) member of The Popular Education Project and founder of Tech Activist.org, human rights lawyer, writer and organizer, Derecka Purnell, and moderated by Claudia De la Cruz, Executive Director of The People’s Forum. The session will be opened with a performance by saxophonist, educator, and organizer Ras Moshe Burnett.
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