Rare interview with Revolutionary Leader Bob Avakian: Online & In-person Screening

Where: Revolution Books
437 Malcolm X Blvd./Lenox Ave. @132nd St
212-691-3345 Price: Free—you can donate!
Buy tickets/get more info now
See other events in these categories:
Rare extended 3-part interview with the leader for a time when the future hangs in the balance:
Up Close and Personal with
Heart and Soul & Hard-Core for Revolution
The interview will air on The RNL – Revolution Nothing Less – Show over the next 3 Thursdays, Nov 3, 10, 17. Gather at 7pm, screening at 8pm.
Watch The RNL Show for analysis of major events in the world–Ukraine, Iran, the climate crisis, and more–to learn where the interests of humanity lie, and what we must do.
Watch sneak-peak of video clip of upcoming interview here:
“Bob Avakian on Imperialist Gangsters & Humanity’s Future”
* * *
Revolution Books will be screening these 3 programs live at the bookstore on Thursdays, Nov 3, 10, and 17…
…Discussion follows screening. Come to the store at 7:00 to get a seat. Or organize your own watch-party online or in-person on your campus, church, living room…
Masks required for programs at Revolution Books.