Zoom Rooms: 11th Annual NYC Multicultural Festival Quarantine Edition Part II
Our goal is to join the movement to help New Yorkers Rise, Renew and Recover through family orientated activities that educate, promote physical and emotional healing, and entertainment. Secondly, what we want is to help people discover talent that is right under our noses which may not have received sufficient attention. Thirdly, we want to encourage people to continue to support artists whose livelihood depends so much on your generous contributions. Finally, our organization which is made up of artists, needs your contributions to stay afloat so we can continue to contribute to the work being done to bring back the joyful spirit and colorful vibrancy of this great city.
By New York African Chorus Ensemble Inc. $10.
Register for classes here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/zoom-rooms-11th-annual-nyc-multicultural-festival-quarantine-edition-part-i-ii-tickets-106463144130?mc_eid=cbdd195afe&mc_cid=380c510cb1
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