Foldable Fashion: Japanese Fan Painting
Where: Japan Society
333 E. 47th St.
212-832-1155 Price: $45/$40 Japan Society members, seniors and students
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Paint an elegant sensu fan with Japanese calligraphy artist Seiren Aoi. Japanese sensu, or folding fans, have long been admired for their delicate designs and calligraphic inscriptions. In this workshop you’ll learn traditional Japanese brushstroke techniques to adorn your fan with beautiful imagery using a calligraphy brush, sumi ink, and colored paints. Your completed sensu fan is perfect as a holiday gift, decorative item, or fashion accessory. Instructor Seiren Aoi, whose work has been exhibited in both Japan and the U.S., has been expressing herself artistically through calligraphy since the age of six. Calligraphy brush, sensufan, sumi ink and washi practice paper are all included.
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