Book Launch: The Earth, The City, and the Hidden Narrative of Race
Where: The New School
66 W. 12th St.
Price: Free, RSVP requested
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Join us for an evening of celebration with Carl Anthony discussing his new book, The Earth, The City, and the Hidden Narrative of Race.
Carl Anthony’s forthcoming book interweaves urban history, racial justice, and cosmology with personal experiences as an architect/planner, environmentalist, and black American. Carl will be joined by Dr. Paloma Pavel, co-founder of Breakthrough Communities, and Michelle DePass, Dean of the Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy and Director of the Tishman Environment and Design Center.
This long-awaited book by Carl Anthony interweaves urban history, racial justice, and cosmology with personal experiences as an architect/planner, environmentalist, and black American. These include life as an African American child in post–World War II Philadelphia, a student and civil rights activist in 1960s Harlem, a traveling student of West African architecture and culture, and a pioneering environmental justice advocate in Berkeley and New York.
Carl offers a new worldview—a new story about race and place—bridging long-standing racial divides. His work is both a personal story and an exposition of ideas that will appeal to those who appreciate thoughtful writing on issues of race, including individuals exploring their own identity and activists interested in democratizing power and advancing equitable policies in historically marginalized communities. This is a rich, insightful portrait of an American urbanist with a uniquely expansive perspective on human origins, who sets forth what he calls an “inclusive vision for a shared planetary future.”
Carl C. Anthony is revered as a social justice leader and the founding director of Urban Habitat, one of the country’s first environmental justice organizations, known for pushing the mainstream environmental movement to confront issues of race and class. With colleague Luke Cole, Anthony published and edited the seminal Race, Poverty and Environment Journal. He is a co-founder of the Breakthrough Communities Initiative. Anthony has been president of Earth Island Institute, founded by David Brower, led the Ford Foundation’s Sustainable Metropolitan Communities Initiative, and served as a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and the University of California, Berkeley.
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