Free Monthly Lecture: The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library
Thursday, January 25th at 6:30 pm, Ms. Catherine M. Walter, Curator, will discuss one of the amazing, Civil War-related artifacts in the Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library of Grand Lodge’s Museum collection.
Three Northern soldiers from Brooklyn, NY, Masonic Brethren all, were dying on the battlefield of the Second Bull Run, Manassas, Virginia. On the evening of the third day, a Southern Captain came by on his horse and saw a Masonic pin on the shirt of one of the Northern soldiers. Himself a Masonic Brother, he stopped and saved these three enemy combatants.
In 1881, these three Northerners sent a mural-sized set of Resolutions, thanking their Southern Brother. Found amongst the artifacts held by the Grand Lodge of New York is a copy of these Resolutions, and in researching their history, a previously forgotten chapter of the Masonic bonds of Brotherhood is brought back to life.
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