Lauren Slater Presents Blue Dreams: The Science and the Story of the Drugs That Changed Our Minds
Where: Greenlight Bookstore
686 Fulton St.
Price: Free
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When Lauren Slater wrote Prozac Diary, almost 20 years ago, she documented how, as one of the first people to take this potent new antidepressant, her life changed. Millions now count on psychiatric drugs to navigate the stresses of modern life. But we don’t know exactly why or how they work; nor do we understand their long-term side effects. In Slater’s powerful, exquisitely written new book Blue Dreams, she brings us the explosive story of the invention of psychotropics and the people and science behind the drugs, and shares her own intimate experience with the highs and lows of serotonin boosters. Narrating the colorful and sometimes splotchy history of psychiatry itself, Slater illuminates exactly how the little capsules its practitioners prescribe have left such an indelible mark on millions of brains worldwide. Slater presents her book at Greenlight with a discussion and Q&A.
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