Tour: 20th Century Architecture in a Historic Neighborhood
Where: The Municipal Art Society of New York
Tour locations vary
212-935-3960 Price: Member: $20 Non-member: $30
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Amidst the Upper East Side’s celebrated array of Beaux Arts, Colonial Revival and other landmarks, can be found important examples of Modern architecture designed by some of America’s most prominent and influential architects of the twentieth century. Discover Modern highlights in the East 60s and 70s, in and near the Upper East Side Historic District, including some of New York’s earliest remaining examples. We will visit residential and institutional buildings designed by William Lescaze, Philip Johnson, Edward Durell Stone, Paul Rudolph, Gordon Bunshaft of SOM, Marcel Breuer and others. This tour is led by John Arbuckle, President of the New York/Tri-State Chapter of DOCOMOMO, an international organization dedicated to preserving Modern architecture.
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