Public Forum: “Argentina in Revolt”
The public is invited to hear a first-hand account of the rising economic and political crisis sweeping over Argentina. Maria Alvarez, a socialist feminist and human rights activist from Buenos Aires, will give an eyewitness account of recent events in her country. The event on Sunday, June 17, 2018, will be held at Freedom Hall in Harlem, 113 West 128 Street at 2:00 pm (#2 or #3 to 125th Street). Door donation is $3.00. A Summer Salad Buffet will be served at 1:00pm; a $10 donation is requested.
Hundreds of thousands of workers are filling the streets of Argentina to object to a huge spike in inflation and a plunging currency. Workers fear another collapse like the one in 2002 that destroyed their savings and resulted in 30% unemployment. On International Women’s Day this year, women joined the fray in Buenos Aires in massive numbers to defend gender equality and access to abortion.
Since taking office two-and-a-half years ago, President Macri has implemented austerity measures that have produced increased joblessness, hunger and hardship. Ever since December 2017, when massive union demonstrations reversed government plans to revamp the country’s labor law, Argentine workers have been in a permanent state of opposition to the president whose attack on their rights is designed to attract international capital to the country.
Recently government negotiators approached the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C. to ask for loans, underwritten by U.S. banks, to stave off collapse. This only added to the overall uproar among Argentinians who remember well how the onerous conditions of previous IMF loans decimated the lives of millions of the country’s people.
The event is sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party. Work exchanges and childcare are available. For more information, call 212-222-0633 or email [email protected]
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