LES Comedy

LES Comedy is a BYOB comedy show hosted in a Watch Shop by day on the Lower East Side. Featuring comedians from HBO, Netflix, Comedy Central and more, the show is debuting on Saturday, February 1st at 8PM. Tickets are $5 with no other fees! Debut lineup includes Usama Siddiquee (Netflix), LeClerc Andre (Tonight Show), and Carmen Lagala (Colbert).


When: Sat., Feb. 1, 2020 at 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

LES Comedy is a BYOB comedy show hosted in a Watch Shop by day on the Lower East Side. Featuring comedians from HBO, Netflix, Comedy Central and more, the show is debuting on Saturday, February 1st at 8PM. Tickets are $5 with no other fees! Debut lineup includes Usama Siddiquee (Netflix), LeClerc Andre (Tonight Show), and Carmen Lagala (Colbert).


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