How to Map your Local Subway (Hint: It’s Not Easy) with John Tauranac
Where: Landmark West!
45 W. 67th St.
212-496-8110 Price: Free
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The New York City subway is big. It’s complex. Even for the strong of heart, mapping the system and making it understood can be a monstrous undertaking. Case in point: There are over 470 subway stations, with 25 separate lines. Some lines don’t operate all the time so trains will only stop at a station some of the time, while some lines that do operate all the time still manage to skip some stations some of the time. Got that?
And yet, somehow, we all manage to get from point A to point B on the subway. There have been any number of approaches to mapping the subway over the years, and focusing on points A, B, and everything in between is actually the fun part for people like Upper West Sider, historian and map maker John Tauranac. His subterranean transport trails take us deep inside the Hydra. He’ll share historic subway maps, including the recent digitized approach, and guide us through mapping highs and lows, successes and epic fails.
Whether you’re a fan of design, maps, history, puzzle-solving, or the great John Tauranac, you’ll enjoy this wholly unique perspective on the modern relic that is the NYC subway system!
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