Drunk Planet Earth

Mystery Science Theater meets Animal Documentary with drinking rules thrown in at Drunk Planet Earth! Hosted by two comedians, Stephen Buckley (UCB), and this month’s special guest host Brielle DeMirjian (Daily Show), the show revolves around watching a nature documentary, drinking and the audience trying to stump the hosts with animal questions. Each time the hosts get a question wrong, they take a shot.

When: Fri., May. 10, 2024 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Easy Lover
790 Metropolitan Ave., Brooklyn

Price: Free
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Mystery Science Theater meets Animal Documentary with drinking rules thrown in at Drunk Planet Earth! Hosted by two comedians, Stephen Buckley (UCB), and this month’s special guest host Brielle DeMirjian (Daily Show), the show revolves around watching a nature documentary, drinking and the audience trying to stump the hosts with animal questions. Each time the hosts get a question wrong, they take a shot.

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