12 Annual Global Energy Outlook Forum – 2019, Hosted by S&P Global Platts

The conversation around energy is driven by social, political, and economic issues around the world. Companies who participate in the energy markets are concerned and are asking questions like: How should we be producing energy in the coming decade and what should we use? How long will things be the way they are now? What should we be investing in for the future of energy? These concerns do not only come from those who produce power, the oil industry is paying attention too.

As a leader in the energy industry, you should be in this conversation.

Register today: www.spglobal.com/geof  and follow on social media #PlattsGEOF

Why Attend?

Learn about current and future demand for energy

Hear how energy companies improving participation through programs and/or efforts to address gender parity, unintended bias, and ethnic diversity

Learn about the leading trends and opportunities in energy

Discuss the power sector transformation

Learn about The future of renewables and base load generation

Hear about the current investment landscape for renewables and energy storage

Outstanding speaker line-up – see the list of speakers online

Opportunity for networking with industry leaders and decision makers

Options for sponsorships

3 Easy Ways to Register
Online: www.spglobal.com/geof
Phone: Toll Free: 800-752-8878 | Outside the US & Canada: +1 212-904-3070
Email: registration@platts.com | Debra@ceocorpevents.com

Visit the event page online to see the full agenda, list of speakers, venue and travel information, and to register for the event.

See images from past Global Energy Outlook Forums: https://platts.smugmug.com/GlobalEnergyOutlookForum

December 11, 2019, join S&P Global Platts in NYC for the 12th annual Global Energy Outlook Forum to discuss these concerns and much more. Gather with other industry leaders and hear notable keynote speaker who will provide an overview and outlook of the energy market. Hear current dynamics that are affecting the industry, and network with industry peers and decision maker at the New York Marriott Downtown.
Purchase your seats early to save $200. Early bird deadline is November 15, 2019
This high-level leadership event annually draws senior executives in the energy industry. The agenda demands a lively debate, giving participants a balance of C-Suite strategy and real-world tactics.

Here are just some of the topics that will be discussed:
— Signposts for the Energy Transition
— Global Energy Outlook
— Thought Leadership in Energy
— Energy Transition: Vision vs Reality
— Investing in the Future of Energy
— The changing Face of Energy

Hear discussions from:
Platts Analytics
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Marathon Capital
BNP Paribas
Morgan Stanley
CPS Energy
and more

Don’t miss this year’s highly anticipated event. The Platts Global Energy Outlook Forum is where your company needs to be to hear the current sentiments, and connect and engage with decision makers and executives who are using the information gathered from this event for planning, developing, and executing solutions.


This event coincides with two other Platts events that same week, December 9-12, 2019.

Platts Energy Week New York is a 4-day long series of events designed for all energy stakeholders. We kick off the week on Monday, December 9 with Platts University, a two-day oil market fundamentals training course. On Wednesday, December 11, top energy executives gather for Platts Global Energy Outlook Forum to discuss the most pressing energy issues at the. We end with a bang on December 12, with the Global Energy Awards where we celebrate the top individuals and companies in energy.

When: Wed., Dec. 11, 2019 at 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

The conversation around energy is driven by social, political, and economic issues around the world. Companies who participate in the energy markets are concerned and are asking questions like: How should we be producing energy in the coming decade and what should we use? How long will things be the way they are now? What should we be investing in for the future of energy? These concerns do not only come from those who produce power, the oil industry is paying attention too.

As a leader in the energy industry, you should be in this conversation.

Register today: www.spglobal.com/geof  and follow on social media #PlattsGEOF

Why Attend?

Learn about current and future demand for energy

Hear how energy companies improving participation through programs and/or efforts to address gender parity, unintended bias, and ethnic diversity

Learn about the leading trends and opportunities in energy

Discuss the power sector transformation

Learn about The future of renewables and base load generation

Hear about the current investment landscape for renewables and energy storage

Outstanding speaker line-up – see the list of speakers online

Opportunity for networking with industry leaders and decision makers

Options for sponsorships

3 Easy Ways to Register
Online: www.spglobal.com/geof
Phone: Toll Free: 800-752-8878 | Outside the US & Canada: +1 212-904-3070
Email: registration@platts.com | Debra@ceocorpevents.com

Visit the event page online to see the full agenda, list of speakers, venue and travel information, and to register for the event.

See images from past Global Energy Outlook Forums: https://platts.smugmug.com/GlobalEnergyOutlookForum

December 11, 2019, join S&P Global Platts in NYC for the 12th annual Global Energy Outlook Forum to discuss these concerns and much more. Gather with other industry leaders and hear notable keynote speaker who will provide an overview and outlook of the energy market. Hear current dynamics that are affecting the industry, and network with industry peers and decision maker at the New York Marriott Downtown.
Purchase your seats early to save $200. Early bird deadline is November 15, 2019
This high-level leadership event annually draws senior executives in the energy industry. The agenda demands a lively debate, giving participants a balance of C-Suite strategy and real-world tactics.

Here are just some of the topics that will be discussed:
— Signposts for the Energy Transition
— Global Energy Outlook
— Thought Leadership in Energy
— Energy Transition: Vision vs Reality
— Investing in the Future of Energy
— The changing Face of Energy

Hear discussions from:
Platts Analytics
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Marathon Capital
BNP Paribas
Morgan Stanley
CPS Energy
and more

Don’t miss this year’s highly anticipated event. The Platts Global Energy Outlook Forum is where your company needs to be to hear the current sentiments, and connect and engage with decision makers and executives who are using the information gathered from this event for planning, developing, and executing solutions.


This event coincides with two other Platts events that same week, December 9-12, 2019.

Platts Energy Week New York is a 4-day long series of events designed for all energy stakeholders. We kick off the week on Monday, December 9 with Platts University, a two-day oil market fundamentals training course. On Wednesday, December 11, top energy executives gather for Platts Global Energy Outlook Forum to discuss the most pressing energy issues at the. We end with a bang on December 12, with the Global Energy Awards where we celebrate the top individuals and companies in energy.

Buy tickets/get more info now