2024 Stack Family Lecture | The Fourth of July in Numismatics: The First Hundred Years
Where: American Numismatic Society
75 Varick St., 11th Floor
212-571-4470 Price: Free
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ANS Fellow Vicken Yegparian is Vice President of Numismatics at Stack’s Bowers Galleries and is a specialist in U.S. copper, silver, and gold coins, including the Colonial and Confederation periods. He joined the ANS as a member in 1996 and was elected as a Fellow of the Society in 2009. A graduate of Columbia University, Yegparian was the first recipient of the Georgia Stamm Chamberlain Memorial Award of the Medal Collectors of America for his presentation “The Silver Medals of the King’s College Literary Society, 1767-1771,” delivered at the 2004 Coinage of the Americas Conference at the ANS.
His lecture will focus on the numismatic objects referencing and commemorating July 4, 1776 and Independence, chiefly those produced between Independence and the U.S. Civil War. Though the items commemorating the 1876 Centennial of Independence are common and relatively well-documented, the medals from this earlier period of American history are not. The lecture is generously supported as the 2024 Stack Family Lecture on American numismatics.
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