Alan Blinder on ‘After the Music Stopped’

Alan S. Blinder, an esteemed Princeton professor, Wall Street Journal columnist and former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board under Alan Greenspan, is one of the nation’s wisest and most clear-eyed economic thinkers.

In After the Music Stopped, he delivers a masterful narrative of how the worst economic crisis in postwar American history happened, what the government did to fight it and what we must do to recover from it. With bracing clarity, Blinder chronicles the perfect storm of events beginning in 2007, from the bursting of the housing bubble to the implosion of the bond bubble, and how events in the U.S. spread throughout the interconnected global economy.

Blinder’s presentation and reading will be followed by a Q-and-A, book signing and reception. Reservations are required.

When: Tue., Mar. 4, 2014 at 5:30 pm
Where: Museum of American Finance
48 Wall St.
Price: $15; free for members
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Alan S. Blinder, an esteemed Princeton professor, Wall Street Journal columnist and former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board under Alan Greenspan, is one of the nation’s wisest and most clear-eyed economic thinkers.

In After the Music Stopped, he delivers a masterful narrative of how the worst economic crisis in postwar American history happened, what the government did to fight it and what we must do to recover from it. With bracing clarity, Blinder chronicles the perfect storm of events beginning in 2007, from the bursting of the housing bubble to the implosion of the bond bubble, and how events in the U.S. spread throughout the interconnected global economy.

Blinder’s presentation and reading will be followed by a Q-and-A, book signing and reception. Reservations are required.

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