An Evening with David Schwimmer and director Anne Kaufmann

Best known for playing Ross on “Friends,”  David Schwimmer is also a director, a founding member of Chicago’s Lookingglass Theatre Company, and a stage veteran.  He returns this fall to star in Detroit at Playwrights Horizons, helmed by Drama League Directors Project alumna Anne Kauffman (Slowgirl).  Schwimmer made his Broadway debut in 2006 in The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial and gave a critically-acclaimed performance in the 2009 production of Our Town at Lookingglass.  He directed the films “Run, Fatboy, Run” and “Trust,” starring Clive Owen and Catherine Keener, and made his stage directorial debut with Fault Lines at Cherry Lane Theatre.  He will be joined by Kauffman for a lively discussion of their career highlights, creative inspiration and more.

When: Mon., Sep. 24, 2012 at 7:00 pm
Where: The Drama League
520 Eighth Ave., Third Floor
Price: $25
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Best known for playing Ross on “Friends,”  David Schwimmer is also a director, a founding member of Chicago’s Lookingglass Theatre Company, and a stage veteran.  He returns this fall to star in Detroit at Playwrights Horizons, helmed by Drama League Directors Project alumna Anne Kauffman (Slowgirl).  Schwimmer made his Broadway debut in 2006 in The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial and gave a critically-acclaimed performance in the 2009 production of Our Town at Lookingglass.  He directed the films “Run, Fatboy, Run” and “Trust,” starring Clive Owen and Catherine Keener, and made his stage directorial debut with Fault Lines at Cherry Lane Theatre.  He will be joined by Kauffman for a lively discussion of their career highlights, creative inspiration and more.
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