Architect Sean Lally Discusses The Air from Other Planets: A Brief History of Architecture to Come
Where: Van Alen Institute
30 W. 22nd St.
Price: Free
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Architect Sean Lally will discuss his book The Air from Other Planets: A Brief History of Architecture to Come, a speculation into an architecture produced by designing the energy within our environment. Expanding on the work of his Chicago-based office WEATHERS, Sean Lally proposes exchanging architecture’s conventional walls and shells for a range of material energies—electromagnetic, thermodynamic, acoustic, and chemical—each developing their own shapes, aesthetics, organizational systems, and social experiences. In this world, energy emerges as more than the substance that simply fills the interior of a building or reflects off its outer walls; instead, energy becomes the architecture itself. Sean Lally will be joined in conversation with Michelle Addington, architect and Hines Professor of Sustainable Architectural Design at Yale.
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