Art vs. Technology: Progress and Bleeding Noses | VulnerableWin Live Talk
Our society approves of technological progress unconditionally. But who gets to define the terms on which we embrace the change?
Does one community member’s victory march justify another community member’s social downgrade? Are we really members of the same community? Do we have a community at all? Who calls the shots on whether innovation is worth the sacrifice – and who gets to be the sacrificial lamb?
Featured presenters: Sarah Barrick, Eric Goodman, Kit Krash, Pat McAndrew; moderator: Tessa Lena
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The purpose of VulnerableWin is not to pick winners and losers, and not to issue a universal prescription. The name of the game is, See a Fellow Human.
The event is free. However, if you are in a position to donate, it would be greatly appreciated, and would help us with organizing of the future events.
Sixth Street Community Center
638 East 6th Street
New York, NY 10009