Barra Ó Donnabháin Lecture: Jeannine Woods

Join us for the Annual Barra Ó Donnabháin Lecture, featuring Dr. Jeannine Woods.

Scannánaíocht na Gaeilge: seanchas domhanda trí shúile an dúchais

Tá lucht féachana domhanda meallta ag scannánaíocht na Gaeilge le tamall de bhlianta anuas agus rath idirnáisiúnta ar scannáin ar nós An Cailín Ciúin agus Kneecap. Déanfaidh an léacht seo scagadh ar an leas a bhaineann cineama comhaimseartha na Gaeilge as an teanga agus as na tuiscintí cultúrtha a luíonn fúithi chun scéalta atá idir logánta agus domhanda a insint.

Irish-language cinema: global storytelling through a native lens

Irish-language cinema has come to the attention of global audiences over recent years, with films such as An Cailín Ciúin and Kneecap enjoying international acclaim and success. This lecture will explore how recent Irish-language cinema draws on the Irish language and its cultural underpinnings to tell stories with local and global resonance.

Dr. Jeannine Woods is an assistant professor in Roinn na Gaeilge, in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe—University of Galway, Ireland, where her teaching and research focuses on a broad variety of fields related to the Irish language, literature and culture. Her scholarly background encompasses the areas of Irish language, cultural anthropology, cinema, literature and ethnology. She is the author of Visions of Empire and Other Imaginings: Cinema, Ireland and India 1910-1962 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2011) and of numerous essays and articles on Irish and Irish-language cinema, literature and popular culture past and present.

The Barra Ó Donnabháin Lecture was established in 2006 in honor of the beloved and influential teacher and language advocate, originally from Leap, Co. Cork. He emigrated in 1963 after graduating with a degree in Irish and Latin from University College Cork. He was, for many years, a columnist with the Irish Echo.

When: Sat., May. 3, 2025 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Where: Glucksman Ireland House NYU
1 Washington Mews
Price: Free
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Join us for the Annual Barra Ó Donnabháin Lecture, featuring Dr. Jeannine Woods.

Scannánaíocht na Gaeilge: seanchas domhanda trí shúile an dúchais

Tá lucht féachana domhanda meallta ag scannánaíocht na Gaeilge le tamall de bhlianta anuas agus rath idirnáisiúnta ar scannáin ar nós An Cailín Ciúin agus Kneecap. Déanfaidh an léacht seo scagadh ar an leas a bhaineann cineama comhaimseartha na Gaeilge as an teanga agus as na tuiscintí cultúrtha a luíonn fúithi chun scéalta atá idir logánta agus domhanda a insint.

Irish-language cinema: global storytelling through a native lens

Irish-language cinema has come to the attention of global audiences over recent years, with films such as An Cailín Ciúin and Kneecap enjoying international acclaim and success. This lecture will explore how recent Irish-language cinema draws on the Irish language and its cultural underpinnings to tell stories with local and global resonance.

Dr. Jeannine Woods is an assistant professor in Roinn na Gaeilge, in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe—University of Galway, Ireland, where her teaching and research focuses on a broad variety of fields related to the Irish language, literature and culture. Her scholarly background encompasses the areas of Irish language, cultural anthropology, cinema, literature and ethnology. She is the author of Visions of Empire and Other Imaginings: Cinema, Ireland and India 1910-1962 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2011) and of numerous essays and articles on Irish and Irish-language cinema, literature and popular culture past and present.

The Barra Ó Donnabháin Lecture was established in 2006 in honor of the beloved and influential teacher and language advocate, originally from Leap, Co. Cork. He emigrated in 1963 after graduating with a degree in Irish and Latin from University College Cork. He was, for many years, a columnist with the Irish Echo.

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