Biohacker Boot Camp

This is an intensive course that covers essentially the same material as the Biotech Crash Course, but in an accelerated format. You’ll be in the lab at the bench for most of it, so wear comfortable shoes. We’ll extract our own DNA, analyze ancestry through bioinformatics, splice genes into bacteria, and learn all the standard techniques such as using pipettors, gel electrophoresis, amplifying DNA with PCR reactions, working with restriction enzymes to build plasmids, and growing and transforming bacteria.

As an added bonus, we’ll learn how to make DIY lab equipment such as incubators and centrifuges- this is not covered in the regular Biotech Crash Course.



When: Mon., Nov. 11, 2013 - Thu., Nov. 14, 2013 at 12:00 am
Where: Genspace
132 32nd St., Suite 108
Price: Adults $300 Students $150
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This is an intensive course that covers essentially the same material as the Biotech Crash Course, but in an accelerated format. You’ll be in the lab at the bench for most of it, so wear comfortable shoes. We’ll extract our own DNA, analyze ancestry through bioinformatics, splice genes into bacteria, and learn all the standard techniques such as using pipettors, gel electrophoresis, amplifying DNA with PCR reactions, working with restriction enzymes to build plasmids, and growing and transforming bacteria.

As an added bonus, we’ll learn how to make DIY lab equipment such as incubators and centrifuges- this is not covered in the regular Biotech Crash Course.



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