Bruce Ruben: Max Lilienthal and the Making of the American Rabbinate

In his new biography of the German-born rabbi who shaped Reform Judaism in 19th-century Cincinnati, Cantor Bruce L. Ruben (Hebrew Union College) investigates the central role Max Lilienthal played in creating a new American model for the rabbinate, in which the rabbi played a prominent role in civic life.

From INSIDE NEW YORK – Empire Cake, you had me at gourmet Twinkies. Hostess, maker of such artificially delicious lunchbox treats as Twinkies, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs and Sno Balls, may have to declare bankruptcy again. Is there nothing sacred? Twinkies should be the antidote to the economy. But this doesn’t mean you need to go on a crusade to hunt down the last box on Earth (“Where are you, you spongy, yellow, delicious bastards?”), nor should you be saving up for the winter (contrary to popular belief, even the golden perfection of a Twinkie expires). Chelsea’s Empire Cake (112 Eighth Ave., 212-242-5858) makes its own gourmet “twinkies,” covered in a chocolate or white chocolate glaze instead of a plastic wrapper… Read the full review at Inside New York.

When: Thu., Jan. 24, 2013 at 6:00 pm
Where: American Jewish Historical Society
15 W. 16th St.
Price: $10
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In his new biography of the German-born rabbi who shaped Reform Judaism in 19th-century Cincinnati, Cantor Bruce L. Ruben (Hebrew Union College) investigates the central role Max Lilienthal played in creating a new American model for the rabbinate, in which the rabbi played a prominent role in civic life.

From INSIDE NEW YORK – Empire Cake, you had me at gourmet Twinkies. Hostess, maker of such artificially delicious lunchbox treats as Twinkies, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs and Sno Balls, may have to declare bankruptcy again. Is there nothing sacred? Twinkies should be the antidote to the economy. But this doesn’t mean you need to go on a crusade to hunt down the last box on Earth (“Where are you, you spongy, yellow, delicious bastards?”), nor should you be saving up for the winter (contrary to popular belief, even the golden perfection of a Twinkie expires). Chelsea’s Empire Cake (112 Eighth Ave., 212-242-5858) makes its own gourmet “twinkies,” covered in a chocolate or white chocolate glaze instead of a plastic wrapper… Read the full review at Inside New York.
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