Busting Myths About the Female Orgasm

Where: Subject
188 Suffolk St.
646-422-7898 Price: $15
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“All women (should) orgasm from penetration alone,” and other myths about the female orgasm debunked by science.
Living in a world where candid information about female sexuality is often suppressed, distorted, or manipulated to advance various ideological agendas, many of us grow up with inaccurate and often harmful beliefs about what women desire and enjoy when it comes to sex and love.
Join sex researcher and NYU professor of human sexuality, Dr. Zhana Vrangalova to debunk 7 common myths about female sexuality that prevent women from living their most authentic and fulfilling sexual lives. From genetics to genital plumbing to romantic passion, we’ll tackle age-old questions and concerns using scientific data.
Doors – 7:30 pm
Lecture- 8:00 pm
+This is a 21+ event