ChinaFile Presents: Megacity Chongqing Now
Where: Asia Society and Museum
725 Park Ave.
Price: Free
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As Jiangbei rises into a forest of high-rises, shopping malls, and elevated roads, lifelong resident Ren Yindi, 66, continues to farm. (Tim Franco)
French-Polish photographer Tim Franco has lived in China for more than a decade, all the while documenting the transforming landscapes in the country’s cities. His latest book, Metamorpolis: The Rise of a Chinese Mega City, documents the mega city of Chongqing from its many angles. Franco will be sharing photographs from the book and stories behind the images in this first public event in North America.
In May of 2014, ChinaFile published a gallery of Franco’s work, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Urban Farmers in Chongqing.” ChinaFile’s visuals editor David Barreda will be leading the discussion and taking questions from the audience.
Book sales and signing for Metamorpolis will follow the discussion.
Free, RSVP requested.
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