David Leddick

Author/Media Personality David Leddick will sign copies of his new gay art book “Gorgeous Gallery,” published by Bruno Gmunder and featuring rare and unseen homoerotic artworks by 47 artists including: Andy Warhol, David Hockney, Don Bachardy, Peter Flinsch, Wes Hempel, Michael Leonard, Mark Beard (Bruce Sargeant), Neel Bate, Paul Cadmus and many more.

When: Thu., Jul. 12, 2012 at 5:30 pm
Where: Rizzoli Bookstore
31 W. 57th St.
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Author/Media Personality David Leddick will sign copies of his new gay art book “Gorgeous Gallery,” published by Bruno Gmunder and featuring rare and unseen homoerotic artworks by 47 artists including: Andy Warhol, David Hockney, Don Bachardy, Peter Flinsch, Wes Hempel, Michael Leonard, Mark Beard (Bruce Sargeant), Neel Bate, Paul Cadmus and many more.

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