Demystifying Shamanism: An Illustrated Presentation with Dr. Stanley Krippner

European missionaries claimed that shamans were doing the work of the devil. Soviet Communists persecuted them because they were not Marxists. American psychiatrists labeled them “schizophrenic.” However, recent psychological and anthropological research reveals that shamans are among the most talented members of their community, and have survived over the millennia due to their talents as healers, counselors, and storytellers. This lecture will provide examples of contemporary shamans as well as suggest what can be learned from their herbal knowledge, their sacred rituals, and their community service.

When: Thu., Apr. 14, 2016 at 7:00 pm
Where: Morbid Anatomy Museum
424 Third Ave. Brooklyn

Price: $15
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European missionaries claimed that shamans were doing the work of the devil. Soviet Communists persecuted them because they were not Marxists. American psychiatrists labeled them “schizophrenic.” However, recent psychological and anthropological research reveals that shamans are among the most talented members of their community, and have survived over the millennia due to their talents as healers, counselors, and storytellers. This lecture will provide examples of contemporary shamans as well as suggest what can be learned from their herbal knowledge, their sacred rituals, and their community service.

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