The Devastating Impact of Factory Farming

Where: New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W. 64th St.
212-874-5210 Price: Free
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99 percent of the meat, eggs, and dairy products consumed in the US are produced on factory farms with devastating repercussions on sentient non-human animals, poor and marginalized people, the planet, and public health.
Animal agriculture corporations and their lobbyists have successfully kept the horrors of factory farming hidden from the public. Today we’ll look at a reality that most of us try not to think about.
A lifelong Ethical Culturist, Amy Halpern-Laff is a consultant to progressive nonprofits, candidates, and schools. She recently relocated to Berkeley, CA to work with Direct Action Everywhere, a radical animal rights organization engaging in nonviolent direct action. As well, she works with Ed100, a California organization that educates parents and community leaders on how California’s education system really works.
A member of several nonprofit boards, Amy advocates for criminal justice reform and equity in education. Her focus, however, is animal liberation.
Amy has a JD from Stanford Law School and formerly practiced law in New York and Connecticut.
The New York Society for Ethical Culture is a humanist community dedicated to ethical relationships, social justice, and environmental stewardship. Entry to our 100-year-old building and meeting rooms is available for most wheelchair users with prior arrangements. Please call ahead (212-874-5210 x107) for setup of our portable system and plan to arrive one hour before start time.
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