Domesticating Ulysses: The Novel’s Surprising Economy, with Robert Seidman
Where: McNally Jackson
52 Prince St.
Price: Free
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Yes, Joyce’s masterwork can be intimidating, but there brief passages—sometimes just a sentence or two—that encapsulate the novel’s ambitious scope. On Ground Hog’s Day eve, James Joyce’s 138th birthday, Robert Seidman will suggest several of the most enticing of these gems along with several other approachable, funny, erotic and immediately enjoyable passages. Once again he’ll happily lead a discussion of what many believe is the 20th century’s greatest literary work.
Robert J. Seidman is a novelist, Emmy-winning screenwriter and critic. His latest novel, Moments Captured, is a fictionalized account of the work and life of the pioneering 19th century photographer Eadweard Muybridge. His most recent film, Joseph Pulitzer: Voice of the People, has been nominated by the Writers Guild of America for “Best Documentary Screenplay 2019.” With Don Gifford he is co-author of Ulysses Annotated, the definitive annotation of Joyce’s epic.