Drunk Planet Earth

Drunk Planet Earth is a Mystery Science Theater style show hosted by comedians Brian Morabito (Comedy Central) and Stephen Buckley (UCB). Featuring a new animal documentary every month, throughout the show the audience tries to stump the hosts with animal trivia. Each time the hosts get a question wrong, they take a shot. This month we’ll be watching the new Planet Earth 3!

When: Fri., Mar. 8, 2024 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Caveat
21 Clinton St.
Price: Free
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Drunk Planet Earth is a Mystery Science Theater style show hosted by comedians Brian Morabito (Comedy Central) and Stephen Buckley (UCB). Featuring a new animal documentary every month, throughout the show the audience tries to stump the hosts with animal trivia. Each time the hosts get a question wrong, they take a shot. This month we’ll be watching the new Planet Earth 3!

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