Drunk TED Talks: Guilty Pleasures

Welcome to Drunk TED Talks, the world’s premiere source of highly intelligent people talking about weird stuff they care deeply about while extremely drunk (with PowerPoints).

Pop culture is practically designed to produce things that you feel bad about consumingor at least, that other people want you to feel bad about consuming. From Limp Bizkit to Instagram stalking to the entire Bravo network, guilty pleasures shape our lives, and our attitudes toward each other. So Drunk TED Talks investigates: what are guilty pleasures? how do we relate to them? do they even exist? and if not, should they? Come find out (also, we’ll be drunk)!

When: Sat., Apr. 9, 2016 at 5:30 pm
Where: Littlefield
635 Sacket St.
Price: $5
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Welcome to Drunk TED Talks, the world’s premiere source of highly intelligent people talking about weird stuff they care deeply about while extremely drunk (with PowerPoints).

Pop culture is practically designed to produce things that you feel bad about consumingor at least, that other people want you to feel bad about consuming. From Limp Bizkit to Instagram stalking to the entire Bravo network, guilty pleasures shape our lives, and our attitudes toward each other. So Drunk TED Talks investigates: what are guilty pleasures? how do we relate to them? do they even exist? and if not, should they? Come find out (also, we’ll be drunk)!

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