Duty Free Live!

“Duty Free Live! Unauthorized Imported Game Shows!” is a comedy show bringing international game show formats to (unauthorized) life by New York’s best comedians. Led by Kent Morita, Grant Mulitz, and Christopher Morucci the show will be an unauthorized localized production of segments from two smash-hit international game shows, “Don’t Feed The Gondolas” and “Running Man”, from Ireland and South Korea respectively.

Don’t Feed The Gondolas was an Irish panel comedy show on RTE that featured jokes about topical news events and the news itself. Guest panelists would join the show’s host Seán Moncrieff and team captains Dara O’Briain and Brendan O’Connor to play some light-hearted quiz games about the news and Irish television history, like guessing a recent news story based on a prop they’re given or guessing what happens next in an old news clip. We will be playing several games from the original show, featuring topical news from New York City.
Running Man is a South Korean variety comedy show featuring many challenges and games, featuring “punishments” for the losers including but not limited to, waxing their hands, tons of whipped cream, or writing an apology in a language they aren’t very familiar with. Winners often get a lot of Korean beef. We will be playing some games from Running Man in our unofficial adaptation (with varying levels of whipped cream).
Our Players: Kendra Augustin (Death in the Family, Most Likely To, Sisterhood in the Time of the Apocalypse), Bríd McCoey (Broadway Comedy Club), Arya Kashyap (FBI Most Wanted), Kevin Flynn (The Onion, Hard Drive), Kyle Marian (Banana Ketchup, Science Comedy Saloon), Hannah Marias (Rhythm & Rolls), Sloan Brettholtz (Grandma’s Favorite, Grave Dance)

When: Fri., Jan. 27, 2023 at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: Caveat
21 Clinton St.
Price: $15 advance, $20 at the door, $10 livestream
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“Duty Free Live! Unauthorized Imported Game Shows!” is a comedy show bringing international game show formats to (unauthorized) life by New York’s best comedians. Led by Kent Morita, Grant Mulitz, and Christopher Morucci the show will be an unauthorized localized production of segments from two smash-hit international game shows, “Don’t Feed The Gondolas” and “Running Man”, from Ireland and South Korea respectively.

Don’t Feed The Gondolas was an Irish panel comedy show on RTE that featured jokes about topical news events and the news itself. Guest panelists would join the show’s host Seán Moncrieff and team captains Dara O’Briain and Brendan O’Connor to play some light-hearted quiz games about the news and Irish television history, like guessing a recent news story based on a prop they’re given or guessing what happens next in an old news clip. We will be playing several games from the original show, featuring topical news from New York City.
Running Man is a South Korean variety comedy show featuring many challenges and games, featuring “punishments” for the losers including but not limited to, waxing their hands, tons of whipped cream, or writing an apology in a language they aren’t very familiar with. Winners often get a lot of Korean beef. We will be playing some games from Running Man in our unofficial adaptation (with varying levels of whipped cream).
Our Players: Kendra Augustin (Death in the Family, Most Likely To, Sisterhood in the Time of the Apocalypse), Bríd McCoey (Broadway Comedy Club), Arya Kashyap (FBI Most Wanted), Kevin Flynn (The Onion, Hard Drive), Kyle Marian (Banana Ketchup, Science Comedy Saloon), Hannah Marias (Rhythm & Rolls), Sloan Brettholtz (Grandma’s Favorite, Grave Dance)
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