“End of the Rainbow” Post-Show Talkbacks

Tracie Bennett, who stars as Judy Garland in End of the Rainbow in what has become one of the most celebrated performances of the year, will be participating in post-show talk-backs, moderated by famed Village Voice columnist and noted popular culture expert Michael Musto.  After the regularly scheduled 7:00 p.m. performance, audience members will be invited to stay in their seats to hear Musto and Bennett discuss the play and its iconic subject: Judy Garland. Audience members will also be invited to ask their own questions.

When: Tue., Jul. 31, 2012 at 7:00 pm

Tracie Bennett, who stars as Judy Garland in End of the Rainbow in what has become one of the most celebrated performances of the year, will be participating in post-show talk-backs, moderated by famed Village Voice columnist and noted popular culture expert Michael Musto.  After the regularly scheduled 7:00 p.m. performance, audience members will be invited to stay in their seats to hear Musto and Bennett discuss the play and its iconic subject: Judy Garland. Audience members will also be invited to ask their own questions.

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