Explore Okinawa: Art, Culture and Cuisine from the Ryukyu Islands
Where: Japan Society
333 E. 47th St.
212-832-1155 Price: $18/$14 Japan Society members, seniors & students
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Okinawa Prefecture is a chain of islands that forms an arc off the southwestern tip of the Japanese archipelago. Located near the center of East Asia, Okinawa has developed a unique culture through its tropical climate and trading with other Asian countries since the 14th century. In this program, participants have the chance to delve into the strikingly unique culture of the tropical islands of Okinawa. Takao Kadekaru, Senior Executive Director of the Okinawa Convention & Visitors Bureau, introduces the Okinawan way of life through history and local culture. Hiroko Shou, Professor Emeritus of the University of the Ryukyus and a specialist in nutrition, speaks about Okinawan cuisine and its relationship with longevity. Textile artist Hiroshi Jashiki discusses Okinawan arts and crafts, including the vibrantly colored bingata textiles. Moderated by Susan Hamaker, freelance writer and President of the Okinawa American Association in NY. Followed by a tasting reception of Okinawan cuisine.
Part of Okinawan Vibes
Japan Society presents a three-month-long series that introduces the unique culture of Okinawa, Japan’s southern islands, and highlights its sounds, flavors, colors and history.