Fiction Reading with Idra Novey and Alvaro Enrigue

april13Idra Novey is an award-winning poet and translator.Ways to Disappear (Little Brown, 2016) is her debut novel about the disappearance of a famous Brazilian novelist and the young translator who turns her life upside down to follow her author’s trail.

Alvaro Enrigue is an award winning novelist. Sudden Death (Riverhead Books, 2016) — Enrigue’s first novel translated into English — is about a tennis match in the 16th century between the radical Italian artist  Caravaggio and the Spanish poet Francisco de Quevedo, played with a ball made from the hair of the beheaded Anne Boleyn.

When: Wed., Apr. 13, 2016 at 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Where: NYU Bookstore
726 Broadway
Price: Free
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april13Idra Novey is an award-winning poet and translator.Ways to Disappear (Little Brown, 2016) is her debut novel about the disappearance of a famous Brazilian novelist and the young translator who turns her life upside down to follow her author’s trail.

Alvaro Enrigue is an award winning novelist. Sudden Death (Riverhead Books, 2016) — Enrigue’s first novel translated into English — is about a tennis match in the 16th century between the radical Italian artist  Caravaggio and the Spanish poet Francisco de Quevedo, played with a ball made from the hair of the beheaded Anne Boleyn.

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