Film Series: The Greek Refugee Crisis. Talk by Kate Schoenbach, followed by a Q&A with Kate and Noemi Mena Montes
Where: The New School
66 W. 12th St.
212-229-5108 Price: Free
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The Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility and Global Studies at The New School are excited to announce The Greek Refugee Crisis: Talk by Kate Schoenbach, followed by a Q&A with Kate and Noemi Mena Montes.
Kate Schoenbach is a multimedia journalist and BBC contributor who focuses on global humanitarian issues. Through video, photography, and text she creates compelling narratives, shining a light on social injustices.
Kate’s portfolio (which can be found here) highlights her ability to connect with a broad range of subjects throughout the world, from the Himba in Namibia, to middle-eastern refugees in Greece. Through visual storytelling, Kate wishes to encourage a dialogue about the beauty, diversity, and synchronicity of our shared humanity.
Kate’s work has been published in BBC News, BBC Travel, Al Jazeera, New Era Publication Corporation, among others. She has been invited to share her work with New York City’s Columbia University, the Center for International Human Rights at John Jay College, and Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
Kate’s selected work & publications:
-BBC Travel:–
– Speak of Migration, presentation of Greek refugee photojournalism at the 2018 ICA in Prague:
– BBC News:
Noemi Mena Montes is a journalist with a Ph.D. in Political Communication and an expert on migration and intercultural communication. She has ten years lecturing experience in BA and MA courses in Journalism, Communication and Media Studies at Erasmus University, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad de Salamanca and as a visitor scholar at Tel Aviv University, ASCoR (UvA) and the Free University (VU) in Amsterdam.
Previously, she worked as a radio journalist in Spain, as a freelance correspondent-researcher in the Middle East, and as a communication advisor for a European political foundation. In 2011, she received the Spanish National Award for best research on Migration Studies in 2011 (Premio Santo Padre Rubio), as well as a prize for the most read article by Latina Communication Journal (2014).
Nowadays, Noemi is a public speaker and researcher on topics related to media literacy, verification of information and fake news, media and migration, media and politics, and strategic communication. She also works as a communication consultant and intercultural communication trainer for NGO’s and educational institutions (Erasmus University, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, EUCLID Network, Delitelabs, Re-connact, Refugee Forward, Kompass, Kit Royal Tropical Institute). Noemi Mena is the co-founder of Re-starter (, a foundation that promotes the integration of refugees in the Netherlands and other European countries.
This event is part of the Zolberg Institute Film Series. It is a free event and open to the public.