Fresh Tofu Everyday with Hiroko Shimbo
Where: Museum of Food and Drink
62 Bayard St., Williamsburg, Brooklyn
718-387-2845 Price: $25
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A simple white block of tofu contains more than meets the eye. Japanese cuisine has long embraced tofu since it was brought to the country from China along with Buddhism in the 6th century AD. For most American consumers, the story of tofu begins as a dietary staple of the countercultural 1960s and 1970s. Yet, tofu’s story in America actually goes back to the beginning of the 20th century, when a Chinese woman named Dr. Yamei Kin is credited with introducing tofu to the U.S. government as a potential wartime substitute. Through all this history, tofu remains a significant element in today’s ever-changing American food culture.
Join Hiroko Shimbo as she presents the history and preparation of tofu with a fresh tofu making demonstration and tasting. The audience will learn about the use of nigari (the tofu coagulant) and how to prepare a simple tofu dressing that will be enjoyed with local, seasonal vegetables after the demonstration. Come experience the flavor, texture, aroma, and history of freshly made tofu with Hiroko Shimbo.