Give Up Tomorrow

(Michael Collins, 2011, 90 min.) As a tropical storm beats down on an island in the Philippines, two sisters leave work and never make it home. Paco Larrañaga, a 19-year-old student, is sentenced to death for their rape and murder, despite overwhelming evidence of his innocence. This award-winning documentary exposes shocking corruption within the judicial system of the Philippines and casts a light on one of the most sensational trials in the country’s history. Two grieving mothers, entangled in a case that ends a nation’s use of capital punishment but fails to free an innocent man, dedicate more than a decade to executing or saving him. A Q&A with the filmmakers will follow.

When: Thu., Aug. 23, 2012 at 7:00 pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway (Washington Ave.)
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(Michael Collins, 2011, 90 min.) As a tropical storm beats down on an island in the Philippines, two sisters leave work and never make it home. Paco Larrañaga, a 19-year-old student, is sentenced to death for their rape and murder, despite overwhelming evidence of his innocence. This award-winning documentary exposes shocking corruption within the judicial system of the Philippines and casts a light on one of the most sensational trials in the country’s history. Two grieving mothers, entangled in a case that ends a nation’s use of capital punishment but fails to free an innocent man, dedicate more than a decade to executing or saving him. A Q&A with the filmmakers will follow.

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