Inner Peace…Hold the Granola!

• Improve your decision making
• Improve your effectiveness as a leader
• Improve your relationships
• Improve your health
• Lower your risk of dementia and reduce aging of the brain

Most of us would like to worry less…

We’d like to feel more in control emotionally.
We’d like to tap into our creativity and have great ideas.
We’d like memory and logic to leap forward, at will, to solve problems.

But the truth is…

Many of us are stuck in negative thinking loops, worry a lot, white knuckle through our emotions, fly off the handle, and fight our way to great ideas and productivity.

But you can harness the power of
“Self-Directed Neural Plasticity”

– or in plain English – the ability to use your mind to change your brain
and vastly improve your mental-emotional landscape.

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This Evening You Will Learn Techniques to:

• Dial down anxiety at will
• Bring calm into high or chronic stress situations
•Stop negative thinking loops
•Access your creative mind while keeping logic alert
• Rewire yourself for inner peace   | Book Now


Elizabeth Carpenter, MS, L.AC, CEFPOriens  Founder & Director, is a featured speaker and presenter for both small and large organizations.  Topics include Energy Medicine Solutions for 21st Century Illness, Healing AutoImmune, The Natural Thyroid Solution, Turn Off Your Fat Genes, Overcoming Infertility, Anti-Aging through Detoxification, and Think With Your Heart, Feel With Your Head.  She is available for speaking engagements throughout the United ‘States and abroad.

Seating is limited. Early registration is recommended.

When: Wed., Nov. 20, 2013 at 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Where: Oriens Living
36 West 44th St.
Price: $30
Buy tickets/get more info now
See other events in these categories:

• Improve your decision making
• Improve your effectiveness as a leader
• Improve your relationships
• Improve your health
• Lower your risk of dementia and reduce aging of the brain

Most of us would like to worry less…

We’d like to feel more in control emotionally.
We’d like to tap into our creativity and have great ideas.
We’d like memory and logic to leap forward, at will, to solve problems.

But the truth is…

Many of us are stuck in negative thinking loops, worry a lot, white knuckle through our emotions, fly off the handle, and fight our way to great ideas and productivity.

But you can harness the power of
“Self-Directed Neural Plasticity”

– or in plain English – the ability to use your mind to change your brain
and vastly improve your mental-emotional landscape.

Book Now

This Evening You Will Learn Techniques to:

• Dial down anxiety at will
• Bring calm into high or chronic stress situations
•Stop negative thinking loops
•Access your creative mind while keeping logic alert
• Rewire yourself for inner peace   | Book Now


Elizabeth Carpenter, MS, L.AC, CEFPOriens  Founder & Director, is a featured speaker and presenter for both small and large organizations.  Topics include Energy Medicine Solutions for 21st Century Illness, Healing AutoImmune, The Natural Thyroid Solution, Turn Off Your Fat Genes, Overcoming Infertility, Anti-Aging through Detoxification, and Think With Your Heart, Feel With Your Head.  She is available for speaking engagements throughout the United ‘States and abroad.

Seating is limited. Early registration is recommended.

Buy tickets/get more info now