Jean-Pierre Filiu: The Unprecedented Jihadi Threat in Europe

Following the largest attack on French soil since World War II, it is clear that Europe is facing its biggest threat of this generation. And with similarly deadly attacks in Turkey, active terror cells in Belgium, and credible threats in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, there is a critical need for continent-wide coordination to fight these militant groups.  

Just how much of a threat is ISIS to European society? How does the refugee crisis play in? And what is the role of the United States and other world powers in keeping Europe safe?

Jean-Pierre Filiu is professor of Middle East studies at Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs, and was previously the Deputy Chief of Mission in Damascus and Tunis and an adviser to the French Prime Minister. He is the author of Apocalypse in Islam and the graphic novel Best of Enemies: A History of US and Middle East Relations, Part One: 1783-1953.

When: Wed., Jan. 20, 2016 at 6:00 pm
Where: Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
170 East 64th Street
Price: $25
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Following the largest attack on French soil since World War II, it is clear that Europe is facing its biggest threat of this generation. And with similarly deadly attacks in Turkey, active terror cells in Belgium, and credible threats in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, there is a critical need for continent-wide coordination to fight these militant groups.  

Just how much of a threat is ISIS to European society? How does the refugee crisis play in? And what is the role of the United States and other world powers in keeping Europe safe?

Jean-Pierre Filiu is professor of Middle East studies at Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs, and was previously the Deputy Chief of Mission in Damascus and Tunis and an adviser to the French Prime Minister. He is the author of Apocalypse in Islam and the graphic novel Best of Enemies: A History of US and Middle East Relations, Part One: 1783-1953.

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