Landmark Lecture: The 119th Street Croton Aqueduct Gatehouse
Where: The General Society Library
20 W. 44th St.
Price: $5-$15
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Meisha Hunter, Li/Saltzman, The 119th Street Croton Aqueduct Gatehouse: Repurposing SmallScale, Historic Infrastructure
Meisha Hunter will describe how once small-scale, historic infrastructure loses its purpose-built use, the challenges of reuse become complex. Issues of balancing the preservation of historic fabric, while accommodating new programmatic uses, code and other requirements must be addressed sensitively. Efforts must be coordinated with municipal agencies, elected officials, community groups, and stewards. Funding for micro-interventions, conditions assessments, treatment recommendations, rehabilitation and new construction must be sought. The 119th Street Gatehouse, a project of the Waterline Team, offers a fascinating lens through which to understand the challenges and opportunities inherent in catalyzing support for and visioning the reuse of an enigmatic building.
1.0 AIA LU credit is available for qualifying participants.
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.
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