LaToya Ruby Frazier

Artist LaToya Ruby Frazier recites from her written work while her photographs are projected behind her, then speaks with Laura Wexler, Yale professor of gender studies; Lesley Martin of the Aperture Foundation; and Hershini Bhana Young, author of Haunting Capital: Memory Text and the Black Diasporic Body.

When: Thu., Jun. 27, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway (Washington Ave.)
Price: $12
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Artist LaToya Ruby Frazier recites from her written work while her photographs are projected behind her, then speaks with Laura Wexler, Yale professor of gender studies; Lesley Martin of the Aperture Foundation; and Hershini Bhana Young, author of Haunting Capital: Memory Text and the Black Diasporic Body.

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