Image: Dan DeChiaro — Flickr
Enjoy good talk, make new friends, stretch your mind!
Conversation Day is a global celebration of the joys and benefits of good talk. We’ll join with our friends in San Francisco, London, Paris, Tokyo, and Kuala Lampur—by going from small talk to Big Talk, here in the Big Apple!
There will be tables seating from 6-25 people, some with pre-announced topics ranging from “Sharing Our Spirituality” to “If You Were Mayor,” as well as some where the participants will decide on their topic on the spot (but using a “deck” of evocative questions).
Conversation Day is for the entire city, so if you can’t make it to Bryant Park, please just gather some friends, old or new, and discuss a topic of your choice—anytime during that day or evening, anywhere in NYC, indoors or outdoors. You can find How-To Help, including some provocative topics, guidelines for a good conversation and suggestions about venues, at our website:
This outdoor event is weather contingent: please check the website above at 8am on July 18th for final confirmation. If it’s cancelled, a rain date will be announced.
Sponsored by Conversations New York and the Adelphi University Center for Health Innovation.
Bryant Park at the fountain (located at the west edge of the park, facing Sixth Ave., between 40th and 42nd Streets.)
When: Sat., Jul. 18, 2015 at 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Image: Dan DeChiaro — Flickr
Enjoy good talk, make new friends, stretch your mind!
Conversation Day is a global celebration of the joys and benefits of good talk. We’ll join with our friends in San Francisco, London, Paris, Tokyo, and Kuala Lampur—by going from small talk to Big Talk, here in the Big Apple!
There will be tables seating from 6-25 people, some with pre-announced topics ranging from “Sharing Our Spirituality” to “If You Were Mayor,” as well as some where the participants will decide on their topic on the spot (but using a “deck” of evocative questions).
Conversation Day is for the entire city, so if you can’t make it to Bryant Park, please just gather some friends, old or new, and discuss a topic of your choice—anytime during that day or evening, anywhere in NYC, indoors or outdoors. You can find How-To Help, including some provocative topics, guidelines for a good conversation and suggestions about venues, at our website:
This outdoor event is weather contingent: please check the website above at 8am on July 18th for final confirmation. If it’s cancelled, a rain date will be announced.
Sponsored by Conversations New York and the Adelphi University Center for Health Innovation.
Bryant Park at the fountain (located at the west edge of the park, facing Sixth Ave., between 40th and 42nd Streets.)
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