Living in Style: Inspiration and Advice for Everyday Glamour

Meet designer and stylist Rachel Zoe when she introduces her new book Living in Style. The book will be available for pre-order now. It will be for sale beginning March 25.

From beauty and home design to traditions, entertaining, travel, and, of course, fashion, Rachel gives readers insight on every aspect of lifestyle. As she looks to her own past and where she has drawn inspiration over the course of her career-and her life-readers will learn how to feel amazing, too. Filled with never-before-seen photos from Rachel’s personal collection and tips from colleagues, celebrities, family members, and more, this book is like none other.

When: Tue., Mar. 25, 2014 at 6:00 pm
Where: Barnes & Noble - Tribeca
97 Warren St.
Price: Free
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Meet designer and stylist Rachel Zoe when she introduces her new book Living in Style. The book will be available for pre-order now. It will be for sale beginning March 25.

From beauty and home design to traditions, entertaining, travel, and, of course, fashion, Rachel gives readers insight on every aspect of lifestyle. As she looks to her own past and where she has drawn inspiration over the course of her career-and her life-readers will learn how to feel amazing, too. Filled with never-before-seen photos from Rachel’s personal collection and tips from colleagues, celebrities, family members, and more, this book is like none other.

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