Masters of Social Gastronomy Presents: All-American Pie
Where: Littlefield
635 Sacket St.
Price: Free
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Each month, Sarah and Soma take on a curious food topic and break down the history, science, and stories behind it. This November Masters of Social Gastronomy tackles the twin pillars of the American pie kingdom: the gentle apple pie and its heavily spiced cousin, pumpkin pie.
Think making an apple pie is simple? Not so fast! A trip to the grocery store yields a thousand and one varieties of apples, all bearing well-marketed and uninformative monikers: Gala, Northern Spy, Empire, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith. Learn the rhyme and reason behind the names and the categories, along with the history and science that got us turned into a nation of Red Delicious. We’ll uncover the magic each cultivar brings to the dinner table, and how to be sure you’re baking the best in your apple pie.
Fall also brings everyone’s favorite time of year: pumpkin spice season! We’ll learn about the all-American pumpkin pie and discover how this New World gourd combined with English pie ingenuity to become the classic Thanksgiving dish. Then, we’ll see how the pumpkin spice craze started and learn more about the complicated spices and crazy chemistry that make up this unique autumn flavor.
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