Medicinal Mushrooms, the Incredible Healers
Where: New York Open Center
22 E. 30th St.
Price: $145
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In this workshop renowned mycologist Gary Lincoff, author of several books on mushrooms (including The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms), who teaches courses on mushroom identification at the New York Botanical Garden and was featured in the award-winning documentary, Know Your Mushrooms, will show us how a variety of fungal species can be used to clean up the environment and to radically boost our health and wellbeing.
The material covered will include: a basic primer on mushrooms-their biology, life-cycle, varieties, etc.; how to find, identify and grow them; how they are being used to clean up some toxins in the environment; and how to add specific health-promoting medicinal and culinary mushrooms to our diets to enhance the functioning of the body’s organs and nervous, digestive and endocrine systems; fight inflammation; boost mental and athletic performance; and help combat many illnesses. Don’t miss this chance to learn from a leading expert on how to use mushrooms to improve your life.
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